Happy Truth Tuesdays! We’re rolling through our series now. So far we have talked about how important it is for Jesus girls to show Jesus in our marriages. Then we went on to talk about how that begins at home. This week, I want to talk about an issue that many women struggle with.
This is the third post in a series. Click here to read the introduction to the series, and here to read the first topic.
Our society is such an instant gratification society, but is that a Godly way to approach our marriages?
If we are to Show Jesus in our marriages, we MUST honor our current season. Did you realize that our lives go through seasons?
Too many times as women, especially, we do not have the perspective to understand that everything doesn’t last forever. When you are young, or especially when you are in the throes of a difficult season, like young motherhood, everything seems never-ending, am I right? The feeding is never-ending, the changing diapers is never-ending, the watching Frozen and Dora the Explorer is never-ending, the chauffeuring and playdating and teaching and taking care of everyone else is never-ending.
But guess what? It does end. And then something else begins. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
See, I believe that too many of us spend our time envious of others that are simply in a different season. We spend so much time trying to live in someone else’s season during someone else’s time that we miss the ability to be purposeful in our own seasons.
To SHOW Jesus, we must honor our current season by practicing contentment. We must realize that our current season is where God wants us to be and when he is ready for us to move, He will make it clear.
Spend your current season making a difference where you can be most useful for God. If you have young children, serve with your family, reach out to other young wives and mothers to form strong relationships. Be an encourager as you seek encouragement. Most of all, know that you are useful and that this season is an important one. You are laying the foundation for your marriage and your children.
Most importantly, SHOW Jesus by honoring your current season and making the choice to serve God where you are right now. Remember we are only promised today, so we must make the most of it for ourselves, our marriages and the kingdom of God.
I’m so guilty of not honoring my current season. I have wished time and again that the tantrums and the late night feedings would be over so that I could do ________ (fill in the blank). I realized though, that this particular season is just as important in our marriage as all of the others.
Understanding my Color Type and adjusting my attitude towards my current season can make all the difference.
What about you? Have you ever wished you were in a different season? What can you do today to honor your current season that would make a positive change in your marriage?