The act of surrendering to God has never felt right to us for several reasons. 1) You surrender to an enemy, but God is not our enemy, he is our Heavenly Father (Matthew 6:30-33); 2) surrendering is to give up and give over your freedom, but God wants us all to be free in Christ (John 8:36); to surrender means we lose, but Christ has already given us the victory through His death on the cross and His resurrection (1 Cor. 15:56-56). To surrender is just not what God intended. So what does God command us to do?
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” -James 4:7
God wants us to submit to him. Our humble submission to Him gives us the power to fight the real enemy, the devil. Submitting to God does not require looking at him as an enemy who strips us of our freedom and forces us to worship him. Instead, humble submission to God means we are his lost children who have repented and returned home to a loving Father. He has been patiently waiting for our return, and runs to meet us with opens arms. As his children, we are loved completely, free in Christ, and victorious over sin. Let us all choose to submit to God, not surrender.