****Instructions for today’s posture, our intention, and a picture can all be found on our Instagram: @thebeonelife or Facebook: thebeonelife.**** Yesterday’s is there too. Let me know how it goes for you! Remember–we are doing this hand in hand!
Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for He is springing into action from his holy dwelling. –Zechariah 2:13.
How hard is this? We’ve been taught that the way to God is to talk to him. Now I am not saying that this is wrong; of course we should present our requests to God. I’m also saying that there is a missing piece to this puzzle-probably the most important.
How will we know the answer if we never take the time to be silent/still before him?
Have you ever been so rushed to check prayer/quiet time off your to do list that you just hop up after saying “Amen?”
I am guilty of this. I am also forgiven.
God is calling us to something deeper. You see, prayer is communication, and we know that great communication requires both speaking and active listening. God is wonderful at being our active listener; we have full access to his holy throne to speak to him. But how much time do we spend actively listening to God?
By active listening, I am not talking about looking for signs that God approves of decisions we have already made. I mean getting silent, getting still before our mighty Creator and actually listening to what He has to say through His word and His Spirit.
We can use our yin yoga practice as a tool to help us get silent before the Lord. When we are practicing, we can begin to notice the silent whispers from the Spirit. We can notice the burdens that God is asking us to release to him as our bodies release. We can notice the places in our hearts that need healing. We can notice…Him.
So slow down today, my friend. Get silent and watch God spring into action.
What did you hear?