“The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” -Jesus (Mark 12:31)
Most people look at this verse as a command to show love to those around us. While this is true, Jesus is also giving an implicit command to love yourself. It is impossible for me to show love to my neighbor as I do myself without first loving myself. This is not a conceited, self-centered kind of love–it is based on my intrinsic value as a child of God.
God loves each of us and put unmeasurable value on us. Jesus asked in Mark 8:36, “Is anything worth more than your soul?” We love God because he first loved us and put such a priceless value on our souls that sent his son to die for us and raised him to give us a new life. Shouldn’t we love ourselves as God loves us?
Loving yourself does not mean indulging in all your selfish desires. To love your self as God intended is to die to you worldly self and living into your new creation in Christ (Mark 8:35; Colossians 3:1-4). We fulfill the love that Jesus commanded by loving our souls enough to live for Him.
Out of your love for your own soul will flow the love for your spouse and others. Today and everyday live to Love God, Love Yourself, and Love Others!