My wife and our girls grew the plants in this picture from seeds. I’m so grateful that my little ones will know tomatoes come from plants, not the produce section.
As I look at our garden grow each year from seeds to full grown plants that produce fruits and vegetables, I am in awe of the complexity, yet elegance of the process and how it was designed.
As an engineer, I know it is impossible to create even the simplest of machines like a lever without at least a basic design. When I look at everything involved in making a plant grow from planting the right seeds to having the right soil, sunlight, water, and temperature, it is impossible for me to look at all the evidence and conclude that plants were created by chance or billions of years of evolution.
When I buy something that requires assembly, I can’t just shake up the box and out it pops fully assembled–wouldn’t that be nice?
How can something so brilliantly created, not have a designer?
If this was not the process used to grow plants from their creation, how did the interaction between other systems like sunlight for photosynthesis evolve over billions of years? I can barely get my DVR remote and TV to interact together correctly all the time.
I say all this to say, I believe there is a designer of it all. Looking at the love and care He took in designing each plant, imagine how much He must have put into creating you and me. I give praise to the Greatest Designer of All Time for creating us, our plants, our marriages, our families and everything else.