Happy Truth Tuesday! This is the second post in a series. If you missed the first post (where I talk about how I learned this lesson from my toddler), you can read it here.
Last week I told you that as “Jesus girls,” we are called to show Jesus and His love everywhere we go. One of the places we tend to have trouble doing this is at home. Sisters, let me tell you that HOME is the most important place to begin. In order to S.H.O.W. Jesus in our marriages, we must first: Start at home.
Now notice that I didn’t say we have to stay at home. I said we have to START at home.
When you show Jesus,we recognize that the first church that you are responsible to and for is the church that lives in your home everyday. In using the word church this way, I’m talking about the people in our lives, not the buildings we meet in. Your family, the Christians and Christians in training in your home are the church that you meet with every.single.day. They are the people we have the greatest influence over and the greatest responsibility to in this life.
When we are really showing Jesus, we must first make sure we are ministering to the church in our own homes.
So many of us want to make big changes in the world. We want to go out and make a difference in the lives of our co-workers, our friends and the world at large. We want to matter. Those aspirations are all good, sisters. God calls us to that, too. However, when we are wives, our first responsibility, the first way we show Jesus is to start at home.
- building our husbands up
- encouraging them
- speaking to them in a Christ-like way
- not using the Word of God as a weapon against them, but as a tool that can be used to speak to their hearts.
- focusing on their strengths and not their weaknesses.
Titus 2:4-5 calls us to love our husbands—we love them by showing Jesus to them. We show Jesus in our homes when our lives reflect the Word of God, and our lives reflect the love of Christ each day.
When we fill the people in our homes up with this kind of love, it will then have no other choice but to spill over into other areas of our lives.
Our world needs more examples of Jesus’ love both inside and outside of marriage.
Don’t forget to come back next week for the “H” in how we can SHOW Jesus in our marriages.
What can you do to SHOW Jesus to your husband today?