Oh friend! 90 days. 3 months. A quarter of a year. It has been that amount of time since our family followed God’s nudges and moved to Puerto Rico. It is a turning point for sure. The experts say that it is at this point that a transition happens. The novelty fades. We realize we that this is not temporary, we are no longer tourists. This.is.our.home.
Thing is, it doesn’t feel like home yet. We are still transitioning, still learning, still adjusting (all normal). We long to feel at home here, while at the same time longing for all the things and people we left behind. It is difficult to explain this to people–especially because many people think we are one long vacation. Yet we long to be understood.
Thank God for the gift of yoga–especially yin yoga.
My mat and my yoga practice gives me a safe place to be understood, to be myself. It also provides the perfect metaphor for my life. This year, I have fallen in love with yin yoga. It has been such a reflection of what is currently happening in my life. In the yin style of yoga, we hold postures for a 3-10 minutes (sometimes longer) in order to get into the deeper spaces of our bodies–our ligaments, tendons, and joints. To the unfamiliar eye, it looks like one is doing nothing. That could not be further from the truth.
When coming into a posture, you move and you fidget your way into stillness. In the stillness, you are doing the hard and holy work of waiting, waiting, waiting.
Sounds boring huh?
A favorite quote of mine says “When you’re waiting, you’re not doing nothing, you’re doing the most important thing there is. You’re allowing your soul a chance to grow up. If you can’t be still and wiat, you can’t become what God created you to be. “ (Sue Monk Kidd)
In other words, “Be still and know.” (Ps. 46:10)
As you move into stillness and waiting, something almost magical happens. You feel places in your body, and sometimes deep within your soul begin to open up and release. If you can move past very human and cultural desire of always needing to move and to “do,” you can enter into the holy space of BEing still. This process teaches us both who we are and who God created us to be.
So back to the move. That’s where we are with this move. For three months (or more if you count all of the preparation), we have been moving, fidgeting, and trying very hard to find a soft place to land so that we can get still.
We have had flashes of some beautiful and difficult out-of-our-comfort-zone things that God has invited us here to do. But we have committed to getting still first. First, we will create space for our new lives to open up and for our souls to get quiet so that we can hear the only voice that matters. We will not run ahead of God’s plan.
But we can not do this alone. We are list making, to do list checker, get things done-ers. We are also recovering perfectionists. This month, I would love for you to journey with us into stillness. Everyday for the month of September, I will post a yin yoga posture, instructions for practicing the posture, and an intention. All you need to do is set a timer and practice the posture in your own home along with me while focusing on the intention.
That’s it. One pose per day. 30 days.
We will learn together how to sit in the hard and holy spaces, and wait for God to move us.
I cannot wait to hear about how God works in your life through this.
Will you join me?
You can find the the daily poses on our Instagram: @thebeonelife