Our family mission is simple: We show Jesus. In all that we do as a family, we make sure that nothing takes away from that mission. As a part of this mission, it’s been my personal goal that as I advance my career as a wellness and fitness teacher that I don’t forget that the true call on my life is to show the love of Jesus wherever I go.
A few months ago, I was asked to speak at a Ladies’ Day, and of course I wanted to say no. God had different plans for me, and though the Spirit, I was able to craft a message that I pray will speak to your heart.
I have been timid for years with sharing God’s word, and after lots of prayers for boldness, here I go. The Bible passage I’m using is Titus 2:4-5.
Funny that this lesson starts with a lesson I learned from my toddler.
She is the person who helped me to understand this passage more clearly. How many of you have or have had a toddler? Right now I’m in full-blown toddler season, ya’ll–pray for me.
One Sunday morning a little while back we were getting ready for church. You know how it is on a Sunday morning when you have littles. You’re rushing around trying to get them ready and yourself ready and everybody out of the door. But it isn’t working because:
A toddler will do EVERYTHING in their power to derail your plans.
My toddler girl was “helping” me get ready for church. So while I was rushing around she asked me a question that stopped me right in my tracks.
She said to me “Mommy are you a ShJesus girl?”
Now to be honest, I was only half listening the first time, so I answered her with a “Huh?” She said it again, louder this time and seemingly annoyed that I didn’t understand her the first time. In her two-year old tongue she repeated rather loudly “You a ShJesus girl?”
I have to admit, sisters, I was floored.
I had no idea how to answer her. So many long-winded, over the top answers raced through my mind, and then, after a few moments, when I didn’t think I would ever have the words to answer her, the Holy Spirit gave me the words to say. I found myself simply saying:
Yes, yes I am baby. I’m a ShJesus girl. I.am.a.Jesus.girl. and so are you.
It was then that I realized that this is what this passage, Titus 2:4-5 is about. It is not a checklist like it’s made out to be. It’s not a set of rules, either. It’s simply a way for us Jesus girls to “show Jesus to our husbands, to our children, and to the world.
You see, so many of us look at this like a check list or a job description. As a matter of fact, when I first got married, I thought that if I did these things I would be a good wife. Soon though, I came to see that checking things off the list didn’t get me any closer to my husband, or to God. What God is after, what our husbands and our children are after is not our “to do list.” They want our hearts. So, I ask you, my sisters, to begin looking at this passage with me another way. Instead of a to do list to be accomplished or a set of rules to follow, let’s see it as another avenue that we have as wives or future wives to simply “Show Jesus.”
In the coming posts, I will begin breaking down the S.H.O.W. Jesus into each of its parts. The next post will focus on how we as wives can show Jesus by “Starting at Home.” Look for it next Tuesday!
This was a hard post for me to share because I’ve always been very timid with sharing God’s word publicly. I’m growing, though, and in this season, I’m choosing bravery!
What’s your family mission statement? I’d love to hear all about it.
I love, love, love those versus in Titus and your take on them. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of this series. The two posts I’ve read thus far have been so, so good!
Thanks, Nicole! I was kind of nervous to put this out there, so your feedback is encouraging. Thank you for reading!